
Poland: Proposing Reforms to National VAT E-Invoicing System

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The Polish Ministry of Finance initiated a consultation regarding proposed changes to the National VAT e-Invoice System (KSeF) through a draft amendment. The key provisions of the draft include:


  1. Mandating KSeF e-invoicing for all taxpayers simultaneously.
  2. Introducing an offline mode applicable to all taxpayers during the transition phase.
  3. Regulating the issuance of consumer invoices within KSeF and facilitating buyer self-identification for e-invoice issuance.
  4. Adding an e-invoice attachment for standard transactions, expanding units of measurement and prices for delivered goods or services.
  5. Providing the capability to generate and download invoice issuer certificates prior to the mandatory e-invoicing start date.
  6. Allowing digitally excluded taxpayers, issuing invoices at a small scale, to maintain their current invoicing methods during the transition period.


Comments on these proposed changes are requested by April 19.


Source: gov.pl

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