


Automated VAT Return

Preparation for OSS & IOSS



Keeping you compliant with the new EU VAT rules so you can focus on growing your business

What is Parlez?

Parlez is a technology that automates the process of VAT return preparation, helping businesses comply with the OSS and IOSS VAT obligations more accurately and timely.


Parlez can be integrated with over 42 eCommerce platforms.


Interested in OSS or IOSS VAT compliance?

 VAT Return preparation with Parlez in simple



The benefits of using Parlez

Parlez is fully integrated with Mytaxflow, a cloud-based platform
for managing VAT compliance obligations worldwide.

That means that by using Parlez you benefit from:



Automated VAT filing obligations processes, upload data, monitor progress and approve returns _ An automated creation of your VAT return thanks to a real-time sync of your sales data  Real time overview on all your tax processes and documents such as opened and submitted VAT returns, including a full audit trail Cloud based storage that ensures full data security VAT calendar and a cockpit containing all your upcoming VAT returns and deadlines

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