
Austria: Clarifies input VAT deductions to telecom business for nonresident provider

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A clarification on input VAT reductions for nonresident telecom businesses was published online by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.




The taxpayer, an Thai mobile carrier, requested an input VAT deduction for roaming fees that were levied by a Austrian telecom business.


The input VAT deduction was first provided to the taxpayer. The tax office launched a further investigation against the taxpayer for the previously asserted input deductions, alleging that the taxpayer had made domestic sales and received a discount from Austrian mobile phone providers.


The tax authority had the right to request a retrial because:


  • Roaming services were utilized by the taxpayer and its clients in Austria; thus, they are not brand-new data.
  • The VAT assessment amount may alter if the discount amount is shown since taxpayers are legally allowed to input tax deductions.




Source: findok.bmf.gv.at

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