Czech VAT returns must be filed within 25 days after the end of the relevant tax period. VAT payers may request to file their returns on a quarterly basis, provided they meet the certain conditions. There are three VAT reports that must be completed and submitted in the Czech Republic.
Beyond submitting VAT returns, businesses are also required to provide details through EU sales listings and the VAT Control Statement, though the frequency of these submissions may vary.
Learn all about VAT returns in the Czech Republic in our comprehensive guide below.
Every individual subject to VAT is obligated to submit a VAT return, detailing all relevant information for calculating the due tax and applicable deductions. Taxpayers have the potential to lower their total tax liability, possibly to a negative amount, by reclaiming input VAT on their purchases.
To qualify for input VAT recovery, specific criteria must be satisfied:
Tax credits for input tax can be claimed up to three years from when the right to claim arises.
A VAT-registered individual with long-term assets can deduct VAT incurred up to 60 months prior to becoming a taxable person, provided that the assets remain usable.
Additionally, under certain conditions, a VAT-registered person may also deduct VAT on other supplies incurred in the 12 months preceding their registration as a taxable person.
“Exempt supplies” are supplies of goods and services that are not considered taxable supplies and are therefore not subject to VAT. As a result, taxpayers are unable to claim an input VAT deduction for any VAT-related expense incurred.
Among the supplies that are exempt from VAT without input VAT recovery:
Last Updated: 05/12/2023
The information provided by Global VAT Compliance B.V. on this webpage is intended for general informational purposes only. Global VAT Compliance B.V. is not responsible for the accuracy of the information on these pages, and cannot be held liable for claims or losses deriving from the use of this information. If you wish to receive VAT related information please contact our experts at