Following the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU VAT system and Customs Union on January 1st 2021, VAT-registered businesses were still required to perform Intrastat reporting until January 1st 2022.
Movements between the United Kingdom and the European Union are now considered as imports and exports.
Whether you file your VAT return monthly or quarterly, you will often need to complete an ESL as part of the process. Because of UK’s exit on January 1st 2021, companies in the UK will no longer be needed to produce EC Sales Lists after that date. Firms in Northern Ireland may continue to fall under the jurisdiction of EU VAT processes.
If you are a VAT-registered firm in the UK and send products from Northern Ireland to VAT-registered clients in another EU nation, you must continue to report such deliveries to HMRC.
Last Updated:25/07/2022
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