Whenever goods are shipped from another EU Member State to France or dispatched from France to another EU Member State, you are obligated to furnish the Customs Authorities with comprehensive details regarding the cross-border movement of these goods.
Starting from 1st January 2022, in line with the EU Regulation n°2019/2152 from 27th March 2019 regarding European Business Statistics, France’s “Déclaration d’échanges de biens” (DEB) — which previously combined the VAT recapitulative statement for goods and a statistical declaration — has been divided into two separate declarations.
Learn more about Intrastat and ESL in France in our comprehensive guide below.
Please note that you do not have to report anything for the following operations:
Who is responsible for submitting these declarations to the appropriate authorities?
If you are liable for VAT in France and engage in intra-community trade, you are subject to this obligation provided that you reach the threshold of EUR 460.000 per calendar year (not per transaction).
Intrastat threshold:
Last Updated:30/10/2023
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